Wednesday 6 August 2008

UNAIDS Expresses Concern Over The Safety Of Three Ugandans Arrested During An International AIDS Conference

�The Joint United Nations Programme on
HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) expresses rich concern over the refuge of three individuals wHO were
arrested at the HIV/AIDS Implementers Meeting held in Kampala, Uganda, thirty-eight June 2008,
and wHO are currently involved in ongoing margaret Court proceedings on charges of trespass.
The three individuals were arrested on 4 June later a peaceable protest to express their
concern regarding insufficient attention to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support for
men world Health Organization have sex with men in Uganda. They were charged with criminal transgress and
released on bail pending trial. At the time of the merging, UNAIDS, as one of the confluence
co-sponsors, made known that the three individuals were welcome at the group discussion and
they were after accredited.

In light of recent allegations that one of the three was abducted and subjected to abuse,
UNAIDS calls on the Government of Uganda to see the rubber and upbeat of the three
individuals, both before and after a finding of fact is reached. As UNAIDS has stated in the past, all
people are entitled to a fair trial with full regard for due process, regardless of their sexual
orientation. Any allegations of roughshod, degrading or inhumane discussion must be fully
investigated, and in the consequence of substantiated allegations, fitly prosecuted and the
victim provided restitution and compensation.

Experience in the planetary response to AIDS has shown that it is of the greatest importance to
guarantee that all people, including members of civil society, who work to promote HIV
prevention, treatment, tending and support for all those unnatural by the epidemic are supported
to do so. UNAIDS reiterates its support to the Government of Uganda for a comprehensive
response to prevent the transmission of HIV; to provide for treatment, care and support for
those living with HIV; and to protect the human rights of all those affected by HIV.

UNAIDS is an innovative articulation venture of the United Nations, delivery together the efforts and resources of
the UNAIDS Secretariat and ten UN system organizations in the AIDS response. The Secretariat
headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland-with stave on the ground in more than 80 countries. Coherent
action mechanism on AIDS by the UN system is co-ordinated in countries through UN theme groups, and roast
programmes on AIDS. UNAIDS' Cosponsors include UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC,
ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank.

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