Monday 9 June 2008

Rocky - La Suing Time Warner Cable

The city of Los Angeles is expected to file a lawsuit against Time Warner Cable today
(Thursday) alleging that the company made false and misleading statements to Adelphia
Communications subscribers after it acquired the company in 2006, the Los Angeles Tim
es reported today. In a 25-page lawsuit, City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo claims
that the New York-based cable provider violated its franchise agreement with the
city by providing poor customer service and allowing excessive delays in repair work.
"Hundreds of thousands of Los Angeles residents were ripped off," the Times quoted
Delgadillo as saying in a statement. "Time Warner must be held accountable for its
promises." According to the newspaper, the cable provider, which is in the process of being
spun off by parent Time Warner Inc., could face civil penalties amounting to tens
of millions of dollars.


See Also